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How Often Should You Regas Your Car’s Air Conditioning System?

This is a question we get asked all the time. This question can also be a little tricky to give a definitive answer to. In College, technicians are always taught a car’s A/C System should be regassed every two years to maintain optimal performance.

The truth is every car is different, some cars can last a good five years or even longer before needing a regas. Other cars do need regassing every few years. It is extremely rare however for a car to have maintained its full refrigerant charge even after just a few short years, which is why every two years is the recommended interval. It is generally accepted that a car’s A/C System can lose up to an average of 5-10 % of refrigerant every year. The rubber hoses on car A/C systems are porous, it has been proven through laboratory testing refrigerant does work its way through the pores of the rubber A/C hoses over time.

So even if you technically don’t have a leak, you can still lose gas over time. It is best to put your car through a regular A/C service to keep your car’s compressor in optimal shape.

A few simple handy hints to tell if your car is likely low on refrigerant.

  • The air being blown out of your car vents doesn’t feel as cold as it should be. This is a very common sign you’re needing your car air conditioner regassed.
  • The air blowing through one centre vent is noticeably warmer than the air temperature blowing through the other centre vent 
  • Your car’s air conditioning takes a long time to bring the temperature down to a comfortable level. This will be a lot more noticeable on warmer days when the A/C System will be working harder. 

I hope these tips help you understand when the right time is to consider an AC re-gas. For any questions or advice or to book in with us – please call us!

AC regas, car air conditioner

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